"Mom, this wasn't IN the textbook. What do I do now??"This for the AP statistics course that my child has NO real teacher for.
{sigh} I looked-- she's right, they were NEVER taught this.
Similarly, Precalc (MTH112) she also has NO teacher for. In today's Adventures in Autodidactism, we also have two entries from that class:
A matrix method that they have NEVER been taught appeared in not one, but TWO exam problems in the last unit. Oh-- and a matrix algebra-then-law-of-sines-then-law-of-cosines problem that she needed TWO OTHER textbooks to even UNDERSTAND... which also hasn't been covered in the course materials. Presumably the teacher was supposed to cover this.
DD's contact with the teacher is limited to:
a. Office hours-- "can you work this problem in the class textbook"
b. Can I retake that exam?
The teacher has such poor English communication skills that occasionally item B and item A are confused, an an exam gets "reset" when her question was about something else entirely. (Really-- not kidding. "Did you miss my short answer responses on questions 8 and 9" turned into an exam reset.)
In the second entry, on polar coordinate systems and graphs of functions within the same, one of the answer boxes
didn't allow students sufficient number of characters to offer the CORRECT answer. Yes, folks, that's right-- students COULD NOT answer correctly. COULD not.
This is driving me MAD. Seriously, how is
anyone expected to learn this way? Nobody who isn't at least HG+
has a CHANCE to do it...