I guess then the only question in my mind would be "what comes after that?" if he's allowed to move forward at his ideal pace.
I understand the desire to not have him enter college early, but just
how far ahead do you project this putting him relative to agemates? In terms of the content/level of his mastery, I mean.
Because if it's too far, then college becomes problematic as he'll need to sit through course requirements that he has CLEAR mastery of, but can't "officially" produce documentation for, if you see what I mean. Sure, there is credit-by-exam, but it can still make things weird and discontinuous
then.For now, I can definitely see that being allowed to stay in sync with agemates would be good-- I just wonder if it doesn't trade that for longer term asynchrony in college.
I guess it depends on his interests/ability profile, and on whether you are expanding things vertically or horizontally in homeschooling topics.