I was a "deputy homeroom mom". I went in once a week when I had time in my schedule and helped the teacher with the instruction. I am not interested in fund raising for the PTA and things like that. But, I could tolerate class parties and making crafts and decorations.
I helped with "activity centers" where math time was spent playing math games. I helped with computer lab instruction and I helped with reading groups. I also helped to make 1 million crafts (that is what it felt like to me, a non-crafty person

). But, what it provided me was a clear picture of what my son's school could provide for my son in the early elementary years even when "differentiation" and "acceleration" are involved. And I saw first hand how my underchallenged son was enduring instruction time - conflicted between his instinct to be compliant and bored out of his mind and trying to entertain himself.
Long story short, my son does not attend that school anymore. So, I am thankful for the chance to see what the school day for my son was like. I will do it again if I ever put my son back in the PS system.