DS5 started Parkour lessons yesterday. If you don't know, it's kind of like running with style, jumping over things. At very very advanced levels, you see these people jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
The class is technically for 6-12 year olds, but he's pretty advanced physically, so I hoped he'd fit in (especially since he has friends in this class) rather than have to go to the "baby" class.
He rocked it. There were some structures that were just too big for him to get up on by himself (It was almost as tall as he was), but he really stuck to it. When they had a bit of free time, I saw him give this one box that was hard for him a few extra times. He never gave up, even when things were difficult.

Today, I called the instructor and asked how he thought DS did, and he said, "He did great. I even saw him trying out a few moves I haven't taught yet."