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On the ride home from swimming tonight, we were running through the alphabet and naming a dinosaur for each letter to occupy DS' attention. I blanked at "T", and he promptly suggested "titanosaur". I couldn't even think of t-rex or triceratops (or even a class like theropod) and he outclassed me.
On the ride home from swimming tonight, we were running through the alphabet and naming a dinosaur for each letter to occupy DS' attention. I blanked at "T", and he promptly suggested "titanosaur". I couldn't even think of t-rex or triceratops (or even a class like theropod) and he outclassed me.
I'm sure you know this: Dinosaurs A to Z
Thanks for the share, 22B. I've only ripped the first season, so we didn't have the episode with that song. You've inspired me to trawl for more torrents tonight.
We play that alphabet game with lots of topics--trucks, tools, fruits and veggies, countries...highly recommend it to everyone.
Thanks for jogging my memory, Aquinas! We used to play alphabet games with our oldest and, while we do other letter games, I'd forgotten the fun we had alternating letters for fruits, flowers, etc.
Here's my anecdote from DS3's trip to the dentist this morning:
Hygienist: Would you like a toothbrush with dolphins or one with butterflies?
DS3, considering: That's interesting that you are offering me two creatures, neither of which walk on land. Dolphins swim and butterflies usually fly and I happen to like both swimming creatures and flying insects... or anything that flies, really. Was there something about me that made you think I'd like animals who move in those ways more than animals who walk... or are those the only choices?
Dd4 to her imaginary friend," sorry your mom died. Sorry she is not alive. But don't worry. Dying is just fiction." No idea what she meant but found it very amusing!
Dd4 to her imaginary friend," sorry your mom died. Sorry she is not alive. But don't worry. Dying is just fiction." No idea what she meant but found it very amusing!
I could be biased because of my recent experience but there are so many stories out there with little girls without their mother. Maybe your DD was reassuring herself/imaginary friend that you are not going anywhere anytime soon.
A typical weeknight after homework usually involves some 1-on-1 time with DD8 and I, followed by some family movie time, if it's not too late. So it was pretty unusual when DD finished her homework and decided she was going to play dolls with her mom.
It was unusual enough that DD asked DW, "Do you think he'll get mad that I wanted to play with you?" She asked me directly later, when I was putting her to bed. I assured her that she's the daughter to both of us, and there's only one her, so we have to share her.
Then she explained it to me this way: "I wanted to spend time with Mom today because I'm going trick-or-treating with you tomorrow."
And then, she made up her mind to work out a schedule, so we'd have a daddy-day, a mommy-day, and then an all-of-us-day.
It's so cute to see that she's not waiting for old age to set in before she starts taking care of us.
Dude, that reminds me of something that my DD14 said to me the other day;
Mom, would it be okay with you if I asked you NOT to come to rifle practice with us, just for a while??
I responded "Of course!" but I guess she was still concerned that I'd take it the wrong way;
It's not that I DON'T want you to come-- but it's something special that Dad and I do together, and he and I don't have a lot of shared interests at this point. I think that he and I need to have more bonding time for just the two of us.
I reassured her that I understood completely-- and agreed with her. Since her dad is out of town this week, she's opted to skip practice until he gets back.
It's really nice to see how thoughtful she can be, in spite of being 14.
I was cajoling my DD14 into a trip to Costco this morning-- by luring her with a "surprise" for her and her dad.
{avidly} Is it an ACCORDION??
No, of course not. It's Costco. It would have to be a PALLET of accordions!!
{there was a pause in which she developed a look of wonder}
I wish that I were Shiva or Vishnu-- I could play all of them at once! Can you just imagine how AWESOME that would be?? I'll bet that Liszt wished that he was Shiva, too.
Me: It's not an accordion.
Oh. Nevermind then.
Yes, yes, I know that she was punking me. It's what she does. LOL.
DS3, considering: That's interesting that you are offering me two creatures, neither of which walk on land. Dolphins swim and butterflies usually fly and I happen to like both swimming creatures and flying insects... or anything that flies, really. Was there something about me that made you think I'd like animals who move in those ways more than animals who walk... or are those the only choices?
I love it! I think he's going to grow up to be Sheldon.
DS and I went to see Ender's Game today, and then had lunch at Subway. I forget what it was that we were talking about, but I said something and ended with "sarcasm OFF". DS said, "I didn't know your sarcasm had an off button! Could you tell me where it is, so I can use it?"