This was a tough week in home school but DS7 and I are feeling proud and happy of the result.

This was the first week he LEARNED new curriculum goals every day. We started Beast Academy 3A and he dealt with totally new concepts in learning about angles and classifying triangles 2 ways. He threw all manner of "too hard" fits but then answered most things correctly. We had fun identifying angles at the park and making a Wikki stix picture of the different kinds of triangles.
We added in Pronouns and Adjectives to our types of words we can identify in Grammar Island. I learned the/a/an are types of adjectives. He knows the abbreviations and could accurately label nouns/pronouns/adjectives in a sentence. He really likes the concept that pronouns are "quick little nouns".
Best of all we found new apps with more advanced info about cellular biology which is a favorite interest of his. I did a lot of googling trying to keep up with him and started looking for a possible mentor who might talk with him.
We also read Mary Poppins and learned about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. He remembers visiting the Museum of Westward Expansion in St. Louis under the arch so it was fun tying together what it was really about.
We are struggling to get back to loving to learn, brainstorming solutions rather than shutting down, and identifying 2e triggers and adaptations.... but despite how taxing it was, I feel like this week was a real success in our Home Schooling adventure. We are both smiling and saying "Wow! He/I really learned a lot this week."