A little wistful and apprehensive.
DD14's last year of secondary, and I'm feeling:
a) a little scared because her AP Statistics textbook is mediocre at best, and her teacher has a (notoriously) poor grasp on... er... English... and
does not 'teach' the class. It's all me, and I just hope that I can offer instruction that will match up with the class assessments well enough that she has a genuine chance to earn an A. My conscience may get in the way.

b) she's our only child, and she'll graduate from high school this coming June.
c) COLLEGE HUNT. JOB HUNT... HOUSING HUNT... MAJOR TRAVEL... (cue flaming-haired screaming smiley here)... DD's extracurricular commitments... volunteer activities...

d) how to keep her engaged and in the game through a senior year with only two "real" classes in it... yowza.