DD8 is staying in public next year. Although if she doesn't qualify for the magnet in the following year (4th grade) She will either be homeschooled or attend a private gifted school.
DD5 will try out first grade, IF, she gets a certain teacher that I think will help her overcome her trajedy of a kindergarten year. Otherwise she will be partial homeschooled. She will go to her school with her friends for gym, music, art, lunch and recess and be home the rest of the day learning at her own pace. Yes, I realize that we are very fortunate to have this option, however, there is no guarantee it will work out well.
I guess you can say we are trial homeschooling this summer, but it's not that different than what we have been doing during summer and afterschool.
The girls will have swim team in the mornings, then in the afternoon they will have a fun learning session.
They are already pretty excited about it as we are in the process of sketching it out. They will choose which day is science day, math day, language arts day, etc and then I will provide things for each of them to do. They will be asked to spend 30 minutes on a project and then are free to continue or do whatever else they want for the rest of the day.
Friday is for whatever we want to do. No swim team, so we can go on field trips, do crafts of sit around and do nothing if we wish!

We also plan on doing other fun stuff like going on vacation, amusement parks, camping etc.
We are all excited, it looks like a very fun summer!