I keep thinking to post some of the snarky and incredibly FUNNY things that my DD says and does-- and she does a
lot of this kind of thing-- but they aren't really the kind of thing that belongs in the brag thread, exactly.
Because honestly, most parents would probably be kind of appalled at some of what she comes up with. We tend to be deeply amused instead.
Today, she is converting
The Importance of Being Earnest into a musical.
Don't ask me why. It more than likely has something to do with needing to write an AP Lit essay longhand, and finding the Wilde descriptor "in Wagnerian fashion" with respect to doorbell-ringing applied to certain individuals (a sort of Valkyrie fanfare, evidently, which applies only to bill collectors and the indomitable Aunt Augusta)...
well, CLEARLY Wilde would have written a musical if only he'd had the 80's to draw from.
So far she has Aunt Augusta using the Imperial March from Star Wars, we have Algy using the Indiana Jones theme (but alternating with the music for his initial country appearance with a-- uhhh-- sweet acoustic rendition of Green Day's "When I come Around"); Jack with the Rimsky-Korsakov Flight of the Bumblebee, Cecily with Simon and Garfunkel's "Feeling Groovy" and she has selected a pair of numbers for the closing--
"What a Wonderful World" into Cheap Trick's "Surrender." I nearly forgot-- she chose Missing Persons' "Hello, I love you" for Gwendolyn. LOL.
Her opening number? Robert Hazard's "Escalator of Life."
She seems to have a real knack for this kind of thing.
I'm laughing like a maniac. She says that Wilde's words, however, are completely sacred and she would not
dream of rewriting a thing. Only...
adding some musical numbers to enrich the understanding of Wilde's underlying satire.

So what unquestionably eccentric, but vastly entertaining things have your gifted kids done lately?