I found this little list
on this website that describes those who lack EQ:
People who are low in emotional intelligence:
�Are abrasive, arrogant, or hostile
�Are perfectionists who hold themselves and everyone else back
�Lose their tempers and pollute the work field with negative emotions
�Shut down under pressure and become rigid
�Alienate coworkers, customers and clients
�Mismanage themselves and others
�Lose focus when swamped with emotions they can�t handle
�Operate from a fear-based perspective
�Fail to get in the loop because of low social skills, and �the loop� is where it all happens
�Have no leadership skills
�Lack the creativity and flexibility to generate alternative solutions and problem-solve effectively
�Cannot cope with the unpredictable
�Are unable to communicate effectively with those around them
�Do not have the resilience necessary to withstand the rejections, losses and failures or everyday work life
�Are cynical and pessimistic, an attitude which discourages any kind of positive action and accomplishment both in them and in others
�Can�t handle stress and anxiety
�Take more sick days and produce less when they�re present
�Agitate, gossip, bully and harass others
�Are too afraid to take the risks that bring results
I'm willing to admit I see myself in many of these traits.