Just trying to figure out a plan B for the near future for DS4.5 and for DS3 as well. How does it work if you basically skip grades while homeschooling and then you want the child to go back into public school? Does the school go by age? Do they consider the grade that you have the child in as a homeschooler? Do they do some kind of entrance testing?
We use a virtual school, which is essentially homeschooling, though it's formally a public school. Our son is allowed to accelerate in all subjects and is 1 to 4 grades ahead in all of them. While it is good to have this opportunity, we have always assumed that we are somewhat locked into this school, and that a new school would disregard his progress and send him back to square one.
So homeschooling may be the best choice for you, but don't assume you'll be able to enter school at the appropriate level.