It was the CST practice test for 2nd graders. They had two kindy kids take it, and all of the first graders (charter school with one class per grade, they work very closely together). I guess just for any data they could get. Our teacher admitted it's only useful so far, but testing practice is not a bad thing, especially as DD finds that kind of thing fun. I'm a little confused about how it was scored--it's normed to second graders, obviously, but she said something about only using K standards? Or something. Anyway it was nice to see the teacher point out one thing DD can definitely do that the test missed her on. We also had a good chat about how she wants DD to work on showing her work and explaining it in multiple ways--she showed me work that's just a mess from during class but said verbally DD can just figure it out mentally or on fingers--and we got to a good point, I think, where we agreed DD can only do this if its actually tricky enough to engage her instead of something she already knows automatically. So I'm going to work with dd on more clearly showing her thinking and explain that's going to be her ticket to more multiplication and working with bigger numbers

Like she's been asking for. I imagine a bit of explicit instruction in this should quickly sort things--they're so into exploring ways to find the answer, which is great, but DD then needs to hear that they are still looking to be able to look at your work and understand-- and we'll keep doing the crazy advanced stuff she loves, too. Just a month left of school so really it's up to me to feed the beast but now I know what the first grade teacher will be looking for, so DD can show at the August assessment what she really needs instruction on.