As a Christmas gift, DD6 and DS8 have been promised one-year subscriptions to the magazines of their choice. Any suggestions? I'm looking for something a little challenging (i.e., not something they'll breeze through in 20 minutes).
DS8 really likes "National Geographic for Kids" but we can get it from our library, so I'd like him to subscribe to something different. He likes anything about animals, nature, science, adventure, architecture... he likes imaginative fiction but is very into "facts & figures" too.
DD6 likes "Chickadee" but we get that one at the library, too. She's also enjoyed "Ladybug" so that is one option. She likes fantasy stories, poetry, word games, arts & craft projects, animals (currently more in a "cute kittens, ponies and unicorns-under-magical-rainbows" phase than "let's learn facts about animals" phase).
What magazines have your GT kids enjoyed?