nothing "huge" ... just something that made me feel good for DS3 last week. We had his 3rd Birthday party and before the party a lot of people asked me what to give him since they already know about his high functioning autism diagnosis and they know he is not interested in many "normal" age appropriate toys, so I suggested Lego blocks or Encyclopedias for kids and that kind of thing. I also asked them not to be disappointed if at first he pays no attention to the gifts (he spent Christmas gift opening time by playing Android games on my phone and never ONCE looked up at what he got).
So, we had the party, he was in a good mood, tolerating all the kids, running around, our happy boy and I figured lets open the gifts. One was Lego Duplo Numbers train ... he wanted to open the box right away! WIN #1!!! ... then he got to the books and he pointed to the first one and read out loud "My first atlas" ... most people's jaws dropped

. A lot of our friends don't really believe me when I say he started reading around 2.5 years old (And I don't usually talk about it. Except when it comes up during conversation) but this was so spontaneous, there was no denying it

So, satisfaction #1 - DS3 proved himself to everyone there #2 - he loved his gifts and most importantly #3 - my child who was diagnosed with Autism 2 months ago and we were told to teach him to communicate with pictures and expect him to be in special Autism classes is now willing to show what he's capable of to OTHERS (until this point I only knew what he can do by mainly sneaking up on him and looking over his shoulder). Overall, it was an AWESOME DAY!!!