Dazey - it's all a matter of degree - no one learns "only" with either their right or left brains, but there are people who heavily favor one over the other. Some people are an even balance. Some people might lean in one direction just a little, or a lot.
As for the on-line quizzes, I like better the table that distinguishes between the two forms:
http://www.visualspatial.org/Articles/appendc.pdfI can't say about your DS. As for your friend's dd, I wonder if it depends on what her subtest scores were for the PRI - I think certain subtests might be more indicative of VSL than others (block design, for example).
With my dd, based on the wisc iv, the testers were able to say with complete certainty that she is a VSL. So far I believe they were entirely correct, even though there are some things dd can do that are on the auditory-sequential part of the chart (e.g. spelling). I'd say that personally, I'm moderately VSL but without as dramatic left-brain weaknesses that my dd seems to have.