lol, I've just spent some time catching up here in the cafe.
I sympathize with your son for the Hell incident, Squirt. I remember in 3rd grade failing my first public speaking assignment for using the word bitch. The problem was I was talking about female dogs at the time... I really didn't get along with that teacher. I do remember that my parents did not get upset with me and showed me their support even though there was nothing they could do about the school situation

I still hate public speaking though...
Since we raise and show dogs, bitch was a term that I used in normal conversation when I talked about the dogs. In fact if you go to dog shows the classes are broken down by sex and referred to as dogs and bitches. You can even have a winners bitch

Until my third grade experience, I never even knew that it was a derogatory word in certain situations. I thought if someone was called a bitch they were just being referred to as female ROFL
Needless to say, DS has been informed that while it is an appropriate word around the show ring, not to use it anywhere else