Hi everyone,
I'm hoping this is a place where I can be welcome. I'm still in the exploration phase of my children's level of giftedness. They are too young for test, IMO. But I'm here to get more information and to have a place where it's not assumed I'm just bragging!

My DS is almost 3 and is just beginning to site read. He's been able to identify his letters, numbers, shapes and colors since about 20 months, but since he has been language delayed, we didn't realize how much he really knew until he finally found his words at 2 1/2. I don't think he realizes he can read yet, but we've had several occasions where he's read aloud words on a box or sign (simple 1-2 words and ones he'd never seen before) and then seem unable or unwilling to repeat it for us. He will enter 3 year old preschool in the fall, yet he has master skills nearly all the way through what their 4 year old program offers. Since we don't have many options around here (our state doesn't allow early admission), we're just going to supplement at home until he can be assessed in Kindergarten, unless there are better options we haven't come upon yet.
My one year old DD will be interesting to watch develop. She's been speaking since 8 months, had a dozen complex words by 10 months, had close to 20 words by 1 year (partial hearing loss fixed by tubes slowed her down as she stopped speaking for the most part) and now regularly uses 2-3 word phrases. The biggest surprise with her is her receptive language level and her ability to mimic movements and sounds. She picked up using eating utensils properly in just a few meals by watching our son.
I should add that I don't want to label these two too early. And I would be okay if they just turn out to be bright and not officially gifted. But I also want to be proactive for them since I am their best advocate. That's why I'm here.

I'm excited to learn from all of you and I hope that we can be welcome even though we aren't officially labeled as anything.