thanks ccn!
and deedee, i knew what i was posting is controversial, if that's the right word, even among autistic individuals themselves.
and re aspergers, and autism (high functioning), i beg to differ, but i think there is a big difference between the 2. maybe i understand it incorrectly though?
the main thing is aspergers don't generally present with a verbal delay. they usually have very good verbal skills- not to say that they have good social language skills.
and autistics are verbally delayed, and/or they are typically developing in language and then lose their communication. but even when auts get their language skills back, they don't go on and on and on and on like an aspie will...
at least this has been the case with just about all i have ever met.
also aspergers tends to have that huge 1area focus (or several) whereas auts don't as much though they might still be repetitive, which isn't quite same thing as always wanting to talk about say dinosaurs. and only dinosaurs.
but sorry, i wasn't wanting to get into debate of what aspergers is and what autism is. and i am appreciative to all feedback, but again, i think there is a difference.
and i don't mind saying low or high functioning or level aut-- because the spectrum is so wide, and high to one person means something different than high to another but on some level it means that the child does have some normal functioning, i have never met a parent of an autistic child who did not infact describe their child by either high or low or mild or severe... and then the ones who say aspergers...
still i like the facts of why you choose not to, and that gives me something to think about and perhaps reconsider my own views

so thank you for that deedee