i only recently learned about 2E.
just found this forum.
i'm wondering- how accurate are these tests (SB &Weschler?) (spelling) for kids with autism?
i know that my ds5 w/ HFA - when he was being officially dx @ age 34mos, they did some type of test but it showed just avg IQ, at time i didn't care 1hoot about his IQ, i was stuck on official dx of autism. but i recall that the dr said that most likely his IQ was much higher but b/c he was mostly still nonverbal, at the time, and basically just seemed to stare blankly @ dr., there just didn't seem to be anyway to really know for sure- but she sensed his brightness. and she observed it in play. etcetc
my son is not at all hyper, overexcited etc, he is very calm. he is passive to the point it can be scary (he has been hit by a bully and he stood there allowing himself to be hit! and then he never said a word about it- instead he seemed to look like he was in shock, i am the one saw it and stopped the older boy from punching my child in the chest repeatedly while that kids dad looked on!)
the local schl district, went on to also confirm this dx with their own testing. however, in this mtg he was much more animated, and verbal even- he was able to participate more fully, i think they had questions/concerns re Dx, b/c he never reached any ceilings in many areas and i demanded they stop anyways b/c he had been testing for nearly 3hrs and was just then 35mos.
because of outward signs they went ahead w/ dx aut. they said his receptive and coding was off the charts. they told me he could read. (i knew this prior). i didn't know what coding meant. i am learning more now from this forum. i was never given any #s. nothing in fact from lausd re this test. just the dx.
now years later- he shows many signs if not all signs of being gifted. he hasn't been tested. but it is obvious. he must be, and he uses this intelligience to pull himself out of his autism. if that makes sense. at times i wonder if he was free of the aut, if he would be like some amazing child prodigy.
(ok that's a moms wistful wondering- and not sure i'd want a prodigy anyhow--they come with their own set of issues!)
does a test really matter? what i think really matters is that my son now has a more solid chance to make it in a world not ideal or maybe ready for kids/adults like him...
THAT SAID oops. he is completely bored in kinder. he can't be tested till age 6.9yrs so we've got about 10mos to go. he has been verified to be gifted for what this worth. oh--- he COULD be tested now of course! but I don't have the $$$ for it. so yes, will need to wait on schl district.
i'm not sure what the point of this post? if any, is?
i just felt like posting...
maybe i am wondering about other autistic kids who are gifted and how has that impacted their lives? has that made a difference w/ their autism specifically?
(and yes i KNOW it is spectrum disorder w/ HUGE range s/sx...

thanks in advance