I was reading that most children don't have temper tantrums until 1.5 yo.
I think that the two things I've learned through parenting three children is that a) the "rules" are over-simplified and there are all kinds of outlier kids out there - high IQ or not high IQ, and b) chances are, if you have more than one child, the second is going to be different in personality than the first

None of my kids hit the tantrum stage at 2, no matter what the books all predict - some were earlier, some were later, some cycled through the tantrum phase more than once, one was a relatively mild case of tantruming, one almost sent me over the cliff, and the third is, um, headed into puberty and apparently going for the gold in experiencing hormonal mood shifts... and she was my "easy" toddler lol!
Enjoy your sweet baby - it sounds like she'll grow up to be a woman who knows how to stand up for what she needs
