My 3-year-old is enrolled in a montessori. He'll be going to a private gifted school next year for pre-K. In the last two months, we've had to pull him out of the school three times. He's had to stay home from school the next day. We've also had two meetings with his teacher and the head administrator at the school.
Yesterday, we were called to the school for a "brainstorming" session on how to help his behavior problems. It turned into a hour-long meeting of the teacher listing all the ways he misbehaves. He doesn't follow the rules. He doesn't follow instructions. He disrupts others work. He doesn't stay focused for long. He isn't making friends. Sometimes, he hits!
Yeah. It was a horrible meeting to have to sit in as a parent. I wanted to cry.
Then they really surprised me by suggesting that our son might benefit from medication. This wasn't at all the type of suggestion I would have expected from a Montessori.
We are going to meet with a pediatric psychologist, just to be safe and get another opinion. Our pediatrician, however, thinks the school is over-reacting and believes our son might just be acting out because he is bored with the materials. I don't know if this is true or not.
I had never suggested he was bored, but the school said 'he hasn't mastered all of our curriculum yet.' So I think they were anticipating I might suggest this was part of the issue. They say he reads at at least a 2nd grade level, but it's hard to know for sure because he doesn't sit and read long enough to really accurately measure it.
I feel just... UG. Sad, I guess. I don't know why he isn't connecting at all with his peers. This has been an ongoing issue. He plays well with his little sister (who is now 2) and has a lot of affection for adults. But kids... not so much.
I don't know what I expect you all to say. Maybe I'm just venting. I hate feeling like I'm a bad parent because my kid cannot be controlled in a classroom. Deep down, I believe he is OK. I really do. He is an intense kid, for sure. He has been since he was a newborn. But he's a good boy, very sweet and loving. He just gets stubborn sometimes and he does need to be engaged in something "interesting" if he's going to sit still for a project for more than a few minutes.
I am disappointed in the Montessori. I've become disheartened with them more lately than we were when he first started there. The teacher has told us that he needs to go through certain steps/stages to advance his coursework - he needs to go A - B - C - D.... but instead he WANTS to go straight to D. The teacher won't allow this, which I know is a point of frustration for both my son and the teacher.
But still... the hitting? I don't know why he is doing that. He doesn't hit at home. Just at school.

We are thinking about pulling him out at the end of the school year rather then letting him continue through the summer. Just let him hang out with me this summer and then be ready to start Pre-K at the new school in the fall. I don't know what the right thing to do is, though.
Someone, please just give me a hug and tell me it can get better!
PS- so sorry for all the typos in this post! I'm stealing a quick minute while the kids finish up eating supper!!