My DS's VCI was 20 points higher than his PRI (with extended norms - he hit the ceiling on one subtest in each) and a FSIQ was calculated. The difference was only 17 points without extended norms. His report indicates that his score on the VCI shows an area of profound strength. But there was never any indication that the difference was a problem and I don't see it as a problem today.
I would be more concerned about the lower WMI and PSI. Although it is not necessarily abnormal to have lower WMI/PSI in gifted children, if you are seeing underachievement or difficulty in school, I think those lower scores would cause me to look further into any potential learning differences.
My DS's PSI was average (109) and his WMI was high and after later testing he did get an ADHD diagnosis which fits with exectuive function issues he has at school - impulse control, inability to focus on tedious/boring or difficult tasks, challenges breaking assignments or projects down to manageable pieces. He has issues at home too but his issues are definitely exaserbated by the school environment.
Good luck trying to figure it out.
I guess I should just add to clarify that I mentioned that the FSIQ was calcuated only to show that it can be calculated. The GAI was also calculated and the report indicated that because of the relatively lower PSI, the GAI was a more accurate reflection of his intellectual ability.
Last edited by Deonne; 01/05/12 05:03 PM. Reason: Clarification