My 9yodd (hg) is about as scatterbrained as you can get... She's the creative reader/writer, head in the clouds type. She has always had issues with organization, but this year it seems to have hit an all-time high. She forgets or loses her books and homework on average 2-3 times per week. It never makes it home. I've tried not "rescuing" her. Then I thought she was doing it on purpose to avoid doing the homework, so we started getting it and punishing her. I've tried assignment books, cleaning the desk, etc., all to no avail. Our latest tactic is a homework contract that is tied to tv and computer time.
NOTHING seems to be solving this problem.
Does anyone have any suggestions that have worked for you?
She is currently in a gifted pullout program and accelerated 1 yr. in Math and LA. Homework is definitely closer to her level, but still not particularly difficult for her. And, she's managing to still have A's and B's, in spite of her lack of responsibility. My big concern is establishing some better habits. There will eventually come a time that this bites her in the rear!
Thanks for any suggestions!