You know, like lions & tigers & bears!

Sooooo...DD6's parent-teacher conference was today. She's in first grade, I am happy with her teacher and thought she had a good understanding of our daughter, for the most part. At the VERY end she gave us her MAP test scores and shoved us out the door -- did. not. even. review. them. (Is this unusual??) She's in first grade, and teacher said she was reading at a 3rd grade level (which sounded low to me but I decided to go with it).
Get home and the Math RIT is 198 which is a 99% and Reading RIT is 221 which is a 99%, only thing is from the chart a 221 is 99% for early second grade, a 98% for early third grade and a 93% for early fourth grade. Plus, her lexile is 884-1034, and I do not know how accurate this is but I guess that is about 9th-10th grade?? Is that correct?? I am wondering if this sounds like a 3rd grade reader to you?
And no, we've not had her IQ test (yet) waiting to hear from the gifted teacher on that. But, would you think this indicates subject acceleration? Can you use MAP scores to advocate for that? I don't know what to think anymore. But with scores sort of "off the charts" is it odd she handed us the sheet and said BUH-BYE!?
Help! What next!?