My D (now age 16) was diagnosed a couple of years ago with a NVLD. Her NVLD manifests itself primarily in organization issues (I believe another parent out here coined the phrase "the pigpen of paper" that fits perfectly) and slow processing in math (plenty of horsepower for the concepts, just a little slow in getting the work done). It explained a lot about why she couldn't seem to get traction academically compared to her high IQ scores.
Accomodations/adaptions we have used:
- Extra time on math tests. Although her need for this seems to be diminishing as she gets older.
- Her math teacher noticed that she does better with less clutter on the page (she was turning in assignments with one problem per page). The teacher changed her tests so D had a version with one problem per page, and her math grades went up a full grade. D went in and asked her Chemistry teacher for a similar accomodation just today (big step for her to advocate for herself, as she is pretty shy!).
- I talked to her teachers in 9th & 10th grade and asked for a little leeway and extra reminders on organization as she works toward more independence in this area. They were very helpful. This year (11th grade) has gone better. There is hope!

I also belong to a Yahoo! discussion group called Gifted-NLD-AS. Some days I am just relieved as I read the posts on that board that my D doesn't have as many issues as some of the kids there do. But I have found enough relevant info (and posted a few questions of my own) to think it is worth joining.