I can hardly believe that school is almost done - 18 May is the last day !! I just peeked online at ds7's 2nd grade math district testing results - 96.9%. Hope missing a couple of multiple choice questions doesn't affect his going to 4th grade for math in the fall

They did the district reading tests last week - don't know when the results will be in, though. I also peeked at his end of year report card - it isn't filled out yet, but in the reading section, he started out at level 40, and end of year says 40+ - guess the teacher couldn't be bothered to test his ACTUAL level. Grrrr. ( his 1st grade teacher tested him up to level 50, right at the end of 1st grade, but that didn't make it onto his report card for some reason) !
I asked his teacher how many questions were on the math test - 64, and he missed 2 - one of which, is a very poorly written word problem. The district average for the test - 78% !