I know that we have at least a few people here who enjoy making up new words. I thought I'd start a thread where we can post them so that others may learn them and enjoy them too!
I'll start. Two of my kids went on a field trip to a space museum today. We were talking about it at dinner and got on the topic of astrology and its gifts to our language (e.g. saturnine, mercurial). DS9 made up the following words:
Plutarious: the quality of always feeling chilly. "I was born plutarious."
Neptar: the quality of being naughty or snotty. Derived from the nasty atmosphere on Neptune. Can also be applied to people or animals who try to intimidate or otherwise pick on each other ("Joey was being really neptar today in school! He was driving everyone crazy.")
Last edited by Val; 05/18/11 05:45 PM. Reason: Clarity