Hello everyone, we had a great meeting in April. Peter Ljubicich (the supervisor of the gifted department of ASD) came to the meeting and discussed the program including some basics of the funding. After he left, we spent some time discussing various ways to deal with issues and just plain got some support for the challenges and blessings of raising gifted kids. Our next meeting will be May 5th at 6.30 pm in the Starbucks conference room off of Dimond and the New Seward Highway, across from the old Borders Book store. Funding is an issue and we need to create a group that can help safeguard funding for Gifted Programming. Our next meeting will focus on creating this kind of group, plans for get togethers over the summer holiday, and of course support.
Thanks DeHe for the suggestion - right now we do not even have a place to meet that has phone connection. I would love to see this association that desperately needs a name reach statewide. I also know how hard it is in this huge state to have anything be a statewide association. I almost think we need a main central one with off branches. The issues in the bush will be very different than those here in the huge metropolis of Anchorage. (population 300,000 or so)