There is just one ASD-NEST middle school program in NYC, in District 15 in Brooklyn. A second school with an ASD-NEST program is going to open in southwestern Queens next year.

I think the success of the school will depend on the folks hired to run it. The principal at my son's school hired some great teachers. If you are looking at privates, I have heard that the Learning Springs program in Manhattan is a good program for kids with Asperger's.

There are some great books that help with organizational issues, like Smart But Scattered, that could help you figure out what tasks he need helps with and how to break it down into manageable, changeable bits.

You can then thry to get some of theat incorporated into his IEP. And what kind of an IEP and IEP meeting is this? Your son's teacher should have been present at the IEP meeting, and they should have checked with her before reportign that organization was going well! She is supposed to be at the IEP meeting!