Hi daggobz! I have an ASD son (also diagnosed at age 2 with speech delay, 2 1/2 with autism, and most recently as profoundly gifted.) He is 8 now and did the half a word speech thing, too. He still shortens words whenever he can. "Gotta go pod!" (for I have to go to the potty) and he shortens names, too...but he makes them sound like nicknames (Crow for Crowley, Cookie for Cookerly, Maggie for Maggenheim). He has absolutely no problem reading (no dyslexia) but he shortens things up a lot when he speaks. It's like he really can't be bothered with saying the entire word sometimes. He is like someone texting when he talks. Why add in all the unnecessary parts?

When he was younger, he would sometimes reverse syllables. His speechie had never seen it, but his ABA therapist was very familiar with it as an ASD characteristic. So, that is what I have always considered it. And it has NOT affected his literacy in any way. I was surprised to read about your daughter, because it sounds so much like my son!

Last edited by Kate; 04/10/11 09:46 AM.