Grinity, thank you too! Yes the 2E teacher has experience with gifted kids across the board, she's probably the only person we've worked closely with who truly gets it, and the issues we have as an gifted-Aspie family smile She also teaches dyslexic kids, and kids with other LDs and again has firsthand knowledge because of her own family, which is why she is passionate about it all.

We are in Australia, so I'm not sure what DYS is smile

My daughter does like to learn, yes. I feel terribly guilty that I haven't done anything with her, compared to what I did with my son when he was her age. He was reading well by now, but things happened where I didn't have the uninterrupted time to teach my daughter the same things. I definitely feel I haven't nurtured her enough here and I'm homeschooling because I can nurture them the best! Sigh.

My daughter passes hearing tests (just general ones), she can hear me sneaking out the door from the other end of the house and comes running smile I think she got her ears checked during her checkups and all was fine.

We also have speech issues in our family. My dad has a stutter which was worse when he was a child. My husband and son both have 'accents' common with Asperger's and also slight stutters/stumbling over words. Husband has clarity issues too, he talks really fast and often skips syllables. For eg if he says partition it comes out as "pshishon".

I also have a first cousin who couldn't really speak when he was young and now stutters a bit as an adult. So quite a few speech issues in the family.

My daughter did have a tongue tie as an infant which hampered nursing, so we had the procedure to snip it. She fed well after that. A dentist said her jaw and teeth are fine and the OT can't see anything in the mouth/jaw that would contribute to the speech problems.