Sigh. Apparently, we needed a current example. (1) 40 minutes of hysterical crying over a butterfly she wanted to keep that was her sister's friend's.

Now I get that her (2) night terrors about her sister getting sick, or the melt-down about killing cows to eat, or why she can't just visit heaven may be OE. But what about normal issues - is she just and I apologize if this sounds unkind - but difficult - or is it related. I appreciate that her emotions are real to her. I don't ask that she stop crying (really screamcrying). I have an idea how she is... I think I was the same and I have similiar outbursts but more like once a year. And I did check out the link thanks... but ...

Is example #1 OE ish or just an Irish temper and passionate heart? In the moment - the oatmeal moments (and I hear you - #2 once cried for 40 minutes at 18 months because I had to change her shirt and she wanted it to stay on....

sigh... where is that bottle you were passing around in the other thread!?!
