From what little I've read on this subject, I think I know what it looks like in my own kids.

DD9 recently wrote a peom for school. The assignment was to write a peom about herself. One line in hers said that she worries about losing a loved one. Lately she's got a fear that someone will break into our house at night, and she won't go to sleep by herself. We don't know why she worries like this. She internalizes everything, even what might seem like small things to us. Is there a connection between this behavior and her giftedness? I don't know.

DD6 is very intense and sensitive. I have to be very careful how I discipline her because of this. She gets upset even if she thinks I might get upset about something she's done. We're really having to work with her on her emotional responses to things. Every emotion is more intense with her. The positive side of this is that she's extremely in tune with the feelings and needs of others.