Thank you dma and aly for your help!

The partial inattentive, when child IS able to focus on a fun task makes the whole thing strange.

It is almost like if something is interesting enough, the brain gets a spark and lights up and can work on the task, read, etc.

If it isn't interesting enough, the brain never gets the spark and never lights up, just drifting here and there.

It also seems that the listening/audio portion doesn't spark the brain. Visual or touch input provides a higher chance of a spark > light up.

Child has been saying "don't know what the teacher said" but figured out what needed to be done. I think the microphone/headphone idea is excellent, that would really help focus, and all the other suggestions too. Thank you!

Very interesting about the "like a cloud had lifted" ... very very interesting.

DMA, what does it mean "reflexive learner"?
Aly, what does it mean "deficit in auditory closure" ?

Thank you so much!