Originally Posted by NanRos
DeHe, Wow, lucky you! I've had that experience once, but 99.9% of the time I feel like a pita. Nan

Hi nan
I feel like a PITA some of the time, but mostly I feel like people think I am exaggerating because of some need of mine to make myself better than them - which then translates into them wanting to "test" ds, which is so rude. So its been very lips glued, which is not my natural state, LOL! I get doing that with other parents, given the competitive way some are, but it irked me to be treated that way by professionals - they should be open to the spectrum of abilities. But of course I do understand, especially in NYC that they have to deal with the "my kids is brilliant" parents when they are just nicely gifted. Of course only here can you say - just nicely gifted!!!

Finally got to tell dh - and he really reacted to the phrase "grade skips" as in more than one - he remembered other dr's noticing the differences - like reading the big words like immunizations, but she was the first to translated it to needs - his and ours.
