Originally Posted by bh14
That is AWESOME!!!! Did anyone participate in that survey about how well or not Dr.'s understand gifted children? I think it was through SENG, but I could be wrong. It was about 2 months ago. There is some study going on about how Dr.s don't really ask about gifted children's needs or make recommendations etc.

Wonderful to hear that there are some out there! I have to say, I am a believer in things happening for a reason. I think this Dr. was meant to fall into your lap! Use it as a resource! That is wonderful!

I did the SENG survey -about the other dr and this one was better!!! I wish we could keep her, its just too inconvenient, she did say she liked the practice we were going to, but that some were great and some we might not like,which now I am translating to might think I am a PITA!
