I just had to share because DH is out and i have to tell someone, it was just so unexpected that I am kind of blown away. Took DS to ped for a couple of nagging health issues which we didn't know were something or nothing, turns out he is fine but need a bit of treatment It's a group practice and we have a favorite but she is on leave, so made an appt with 2nd favorite who we don't usually see so she doesn't know us well.

DS is 5 and when she came in he was reading, and all through the visit she was asking him questions and really talking to him. After she and figured out what she needed to know about why we came, she starts asking me all this stuff about school and what he's into, and I was honest but not really elaborating sort of my usual and suddenly she says you might want to consider Mensa jr for support - i think I hurt my neck, it snap to attention so fast. So I say i go online to davidson and she says oh yes, great org, probably be helpful for you, you know he's going to need several grade skips!!!!! Hello! 10 minutes with him, why pay for testing!!! Then she asks what we are supplementing with and I tell her and tell her how we moved to hopefully get better options, and she said it will be tough, I mention a better peer classroom, she says, just needs 1 or 2 on the same level, etc. On and on!

It was probably more frank in front of DS than I would have liked, not sure he was listening about that we moved for better school options, but seriously this was the best conversation in real life I have ever had with anyone about my kid outside of family. This place has been the only place to be real and suddenly out of no where comes this
awesome, you are doing a great job, he is doing great, keep it up, it will be tough, but you are doing great!!!

It was so unconditionally supportive and encouraging i didn't want to go. And of course we will change pediatricians due to the move!!!!

Anyhow, just had to share, not sure why, maybe just want to document the 5 minutes of my day where I get to be real about the full range of my awesome kid and got some credit not for being a PITA or so self absorbed or living vicariously and didn't have to guard my tongue for fear of insulting another parent. Wow. I'm not sure I knew I felt that way until suddenly the veil was lifted.
