NUMATS sent us an email about their online toolbox yesterday. It had the course recommendations I was hoping for.

Somewhere on the site was the 2011 statistical summary. I can�t remember where I found it though....It either only included 2009-2010 information or was missing some data though. My DD (4th grade) took the test this January and scored 22 in reading, but the summary showed no fourth graders with that score.
Thanks for the heads up. I found the 2011 statistical summary at the very bottom of the Resources tab. dc's percentiles weren't included in table on the home page of her online report (only her raw scores). Did anyone else have this problem? I know they mention that there would be no percentiles if no grade level had been given, but this isn't our situation. Her grade level is stated clearly on our report.
Regarding the earned score in reading that isn't on the table-- I've copied this from the report:
Over 25,000 students in grades 3 through 9 participated in the 2011 NUMATS program. This statistical summary is based on scores from an even larger sample of NUMATS test-takers, including all 2009 and 2010 NUMATS test-takers (over 50,000 students). Using such large numbers is a significantly reliable method of establishing percentiles for this year�s NUMATS test-takers.
So I guess this means that the 2011 scores aren't included in the statistical analysis; the percentages are based off of the scores from 2009 and 2010 only.