Thanks for the response.

I am from central New Jersey. We do have accelerated programs. Kids are evaluated for Math for K-2. For grades 3-5 they are evaluated for language , math and science. And based on their skills they might be send for a accelerated program where they will attend a different grade for the specific subject and for rest of the subjects they will stay with their peers. My son goes to first grade for math under the accelerated program.

Last year his pre-school teacher suggested he should skip pre-school and be moved to the kindergarten class in his daycare. He did fine with the older kids in the class. In fact he was happy to be around the older kids.

Being a working mom he is going to daycare for most of his life which makes him a very flexible child. Currently in the community we have kids ranging from 4-8 and he have no problem playing with them, so near future socially it won�t be a big problem.

I am bit worried about how it will work when he starts middle school. Being a July baby makes him one of the youngest in his current class. And after reading a lot of negative response on the internet it makes very confusing.