HI! Do you have any Montessori Schools around you? They group them 3 grades at a time. So, you could sign her up in "pre-school" but she would be in the same class as the kinders and most likey able to do work with them, or above them, as the Montessori Philosophy is to "follow the child." The generally choose their work even if it is advanced work. This worked very nicely for our daughters who are now in public (age 5 and age 9) and trasitioned very well.

The next year, if the school thought she was ready (which they should) she would go to the 1-3 classroom, and would be exposed to 3 graders. Ths works well, until the child IS in third and is the oldest in the class. That is when we pulled my DD. She did 3rd grade in public.

Just a thought. They also learn a lot of science and history and geography..which is a very nice way to "round out" their education. There was a strong focus on social skills in our Montessori School and "self-help" and each child was tought to focus...to their ability. This focus time became longer and longer as the child was ready. Rather than moving them along from one subject to the next because the bell rang!