My DS is 4 and has finished 2 years of pre-k, but now at the situation where the public school will not allow him to test into kindergarten because he misses the cut-off date. He has already excelled in the pre-k. And now at the situation where he has to go to pre-k again because of the cut-off date and the school will not make "exceptions". He has already done all the kindergarten curriculum, I had looked into all the private schools around our area and none of them will test him because they all say they have to follow the Board of Education rules about cut-off date. The school he's been at offers and is willing to put him into Kindergarten, but my husband and I feel that they only want the tuition and as long as they get the money. Besides this school no one else is willing to test him. And now I'm stuck where he's asking why he has to repeat pre-k and not advance into kindergarten like his friends. And I know he was bored at the pre-k and he will be more bored when he repeats. Is it easier to have him skip a grade when he goes into first grade? Now with the budget issue is New Jersey I don't know if that would even be my option in the future. He is physically, mentally and intellectually ready, but public school only looks at the birth certificate to determine the readiness.