Well, I am not even mid-way through Chapter 2 (although probably nearing the halfway point of the chapter) which happens to be the ADHD portion and it is SO thorough! I LOVE THIS BOOK! It hasn't given me an "answer" at this point but I haven't expected it to either. It has given me so much more to consider and so much insight that I never had before. I knew there was more to determining ADHD especially when you're dealing with an HG or PG child and that there was a strong parallel in the behavior but this book REALLY breaks things down so consicely and gives amazing vinettes that are so applicable I just can't begin to explain.....

I am just more excited the more I read.....

I see so much of myself in some of the things I am reading. I don't mean to say I am gifted nor that I am anything else. I really don't know. I see things that are mentioned which I could say are a DIRECT QUOTE of my husband in regard to me and I'm going...yep, uh huh. It's very interesting.

I am a nervous wreck about my son's appointment next Tuesday now. The Dr. doing his testing/eval knows she's doing a complete battery of tests and not just looking at intellect but at what SHE sees as far as ADHD, emotional, social and maturity development etc. I called and asked if he's supposed to take his med. before he goes in and she said no and I said ok, well I don't know how much attention you will have and she assured me that she understands and the way she does everything is very structured and designed for this so....I hope she really gets what she's dealing with. She does have a copy of the testing the school did when he was 5 and those show him to be in the PG range while ON his medication so...I don't know...I'm still freaking out a bit....

Now I swear I am going to finish this book before the appt next Tuesday morning. Thank goodness the appt is first thing in the morning or I'd likely bite my nails down to my toes.
Thanks for putting up with me! eek

Trinity you will LOVE this book!


"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous