My son has literally told me he changes what he says so the other kids will understand him. The other day one of his friends was visiting and I teased "Collin your Mom told me you depise popcorn but prefer popped liver." Collin said, "What?" I repeated myself 2 times, finally Mite piped in, "She's saying your mom says you don't like popcorn but you really like popped liver".

So, I actually got a chance to see him translate his higher verbal skills for his age group peer. Apparently it happens a lot. My older son says his friends (6-9 years older than Mite)often need things interpreted by Mite.

My point is, I think kids do this a lot. It is in our social make-up to get along with our age group peers even when our intellectual make-up prefers brighter folks.

Mite has 5 very good friends in his age group, but he also spends a great deal of time with his older brother's friends and with grown ups.

For Mite, the disability definitely causes him to regress in his friendships.

Willa Gayle