I agree with Iucounu and HK. I suggest sending most of your post to the principal as a letter. I would copy everything starting from "When we first registered DS at this school..." to "I can't understand why she would be treating my DS this way." Add an introduction asking for clarification and a conclusion that basically says, "Your teacher appears to have humiliated my son in front of the other students. Do you support this behavior? What you going to do about this situation? Please respond by <insert date that's not too far out; less than a week.>."

As for the question about advanced math being a "privilege," I don't understand. Perhaps you could phrase a question to the principal in this way: "Why is an appropriate learning environment a privilege?"

If your son is getting 100% in math while not paying attention in class, this should be all the proof they need that he needs a higher-level class. They may claim that he didn't get an appropriate score on their test and that admitting him won't be "fair" to others. My suggested counterargument: if they neglected to give him the test before school started and then didn't give him any warning about administering it (yet claimed he should have studied for it), they are the ones being "unfair," because he didn't get the same chance to study for the test that everyone else did.

So sorry.


Last edited by Val; 03/29/11 11:57 AM. Reason: Clarity