Originally Posted by celit
Our fear is that changing schools for 7th grade will be emotionally difficult and would be an unfortunate confirmation to our DS that he is very different from his age peers. He tries so hard to fit in...
I feel grateful every day that my son, now 14, actually cares about fitting in with whatever group is around him. It's a strength. And in the begining, it was difficult for my son to face that he is very different from his age peers. But as time went on, and he has had more chances to interact with readiness level-peers at school and CTY camp, he now is good with it, and still enjoys his age-peers. He yearns for a world where all his age-peers will also be his academic readiness peers to a degree, but don't we all yearn for a world of peace and justice for all, excellent responsive schools for all, a healthy and sustainable way to keep warm, get where we need to go and feed our bodies? And yet these yearnings don't stop us for making the best we can with what is availible in the current moment.

I think that the more you act like it is a big deal for him to be different than his age peers, the longer it will be a big deal for him. Be grateful that he wants to fit in with age peers, AND insistient that he get his learning with readiness peers. Try as much as possible to create spaces where he can just enjoy playing with his agemates, and have a few weekends a year where he is in big groups of his true peers, either cousins, or gifted conferences, or dig up some long lost college friends who have similar aged kids.

Love and More Love,

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