Thanks for all of your input! I feel much more like our situation is not some sort of anomaly.
We have had several meetings with DS's teachers, the principal and the counselor for issues of being bullied and singled out by teachers. For the most part they just sit and listen. The only responses they give us clearly show that they don't believe us about our DS being gifted nor do they think he is upset over all of the issues we've faced so far this year. I just keep hearing, "he is fine at school." As far as DS needing academic accommodations or acceleration, they believe that since his grades are very good, everything is fine.
Our fear is that changing schools for 7th grade will be emotionally difficult and would be an unfortunate confirmation to our DS that he is very different from his age peers. He tries so hard to fit in...
Oh, I am so sympathetic.
Change the gender, and I could have written this, too; "As far as DS needing academic accommodations or acceleration, they believe that since his grades are very good, everything is fine."