Originally Posted by TrishnotChris
Last week at conferences, his teacher, who has been a great advocate for him, mentioned that he can come across as "thinking he's better/smarter than everybody else." She also mentioned that he acts "like a little adult" most of the time.

Well, that's because he is. And because he is. The problem is, we have a society in which it's perfectly ok to be better at basketball, or football, or any other sport, than anybody else, and to act like it and brag about it, and everybody else makes a big deal of it. But if your brain works better, instead of your body, you're expected to hide it and not let anybody know, and god forbid that you "think" that it is, and everybody else is expected to "take you down a notch" because of it.

The solution...well, let me know if you find one!

I have always liked the bit in Robert Heinlein's Friday where she explained that in her creche (group home for super-human genetically engineered kids) the object of an IQ test was to be able to hit a particular pre-determined score, not to get the score you were capable of. We should all have such training!

Last edited by Nautigal; 03/22/11 11:28 AM.