Hi lynn12345,

There are several threads that might help you: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted.org/BB/ubbthreads.php/topics/94551.html#Post94551



These should give you quite a bit of info about various math options. My DC (with my youngest starting at 5 or 6 yo), have done EPGY. Neither of my DC is particularly mathy, but when they have a hankering for computer time, they do ask to do EPGY. I will say that it's not the most exciting thing to ever come across the web, but it does provide some good foundation as they progress. Lots of folks here have more experience with it than we do, since we only loosely use it for afterschooling. I'm sure someone else will chime in.

As far as qualifying, I think it depends on what route you go to get EPGY. If you go through CTY, for example, then you need qualifying scores on a test they accept, and it's pricey but I believe you get support if needed. Through EPGY open enrollment, it's much less costly, but you don't get a live body to help your DC if they need it. For that, I'm not sure what the qualifications are. You'll see there are other options to EPGY, though, if you take a look at the threads I linked to. Seems like a lot of people on this forum use ALEKS at school with some level of success. Lots of things to consider....

Good luck!

Last edited by Mama22Gs; 03/10/11 09:52 PM.