Thanks La Texican.

Yes, it is a really good price--we def. couldn't swing what it typically costs in other places. I am honestly glad though--b/c again while I do believe that there are legitimate reasons to test her now, I am also extremely curious. I think it will be good to get some sort of idea at least. I did mention to the psych that she could be very silly, psych said, well, duh--she is 3! haha!

The thing is, that I am such the opposite of a helicopter mom or a fact I sometimes feel bad for the lack of 1:1 attn. dd3 gets.

So it makes it even more amazing to me all of the things she has completely taught herself to do at what seems to me to be unusually early...somersaults, climbing, buttoning, zipping, opening anything, cutting with scissors, holding a pencil correctly, writing her name, etc. etc.

Thanks for the feedback!

edited to add: have to admit that I could identify with that tempted to hothouse thread--and if dd3 showed a lot of interest in reading I think I would be dedicating some time to it--if only in my own enlightened self interest! Much more peaceful if she were reading a book than climbing the walls!

Last edited by deacongirl; 03/04/11 05:42 PM.