Well, if you can't beat the price. I mean if you're getting a really really good deal on it I could stretch my imagination and think it would be useful in considering her future, "over prepare, then go with the flow". They call it something ugly, they call it a vanity test if you test before five, without a reason, and pay for it. I saw it mentioned somewhere online. I don't know why "they" are always so ugly and judgmental about everything in the world. You're a helicopter mom, or a hothouser, or cold, bah...

Disclaimer: deacongirl, I know you've read these boards long enough to know that scores before 9yrs old are unstable, before 5 are very unstable, i think they change again around 17 and 21. And turning 30 changes the relevance of it all anyway.
And you know there's as much diversity among members of any given level of giftedness as there is among members of a famous sports team. There's different learning styles and learning preferences, even varying levels of nerdyness among members of the same LOG, and some bloom later than others. So don't expect the test to tell you what to expect.
However, you already know all this so it's quite ok for you to go ahead. I'm waiting for the free public school tests and/or a reason that I have to pay for one. But I know how three year olds are. They do this or that in front of you and witnesses at least a dozen times before they swear they don't know how to do it. Actually my grandmother says they're not faking, that kids minds wander and they learn something, then they go on to something else, then they can't remember the first thing. But they didn't forget it. It's in the back of their mind and they'll get back around to it sooner or later. I'm glad she said that because I think I remember realizing I was doing something like that at one point.
If I knew someone who would do the test cheap I'd probably do it out of curiosity.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar